News, Thoughts, Opinions, & Stories

So I quit my job again... The thought of going back to Habanero and staring at a computer screen for endless hours drained me. It's not that I didn't like the people, the work, or my clients, it's the utter sense of the futility of it all, of just being another cog in a machine that I increasing believe to be meaningless. There are so many things that I want to do... its overwhelming. And I feel like I'm constantly distracted cause there's always something else I should be doing... so, now, I'm going to do them. Read More...
I've been doing a lot of exploring on the subjects of race, racism, and urban black cultures. It is of course a ridiculously complicated issue but one I think everyone needs to spend some time on. Read More...
Tired of radio stations that play the same stuff all the time and that play stuff you hate? Do you sit at computer at work all day and want to listen to a variety of music. Are you looking for a way to learn about new music that you might like? is your answer... Read More...
As most of you know, I take off every summer and head up north to Michigan to work for camp Miniwanca. The reason for this is that it is the closest thing to the way I believe life should be that I have ever experienced. Read More...
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