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Why I go to Camp

Categories: Dave | Author: David O'Leary | Posted: 11/13/2003 | Views: 3806
As most of you know, I take off every summer and head up north to Michigan to work for camp Miniwanca. The reason for this is that it is the closest thing to the way I believe life should be that I have ever experienced.

As most of you know, I take off every summer and head up north to Michigan to work for Camp Miniwanca. The are many reasons for this but it really comes down to the fact that it is the closest thing to the way I believe life should be that I have ever experienced.

Camp is so much more real than the life I life in St. Louis. I used to think it was just the people, the ideals, and the place. But, this year, I realized that the one thing that made it so much different from my other worlds is the complete lack of distractions. The people around you are your main form of entertainment, there's nothing virtual about it... no computers, no TV, no hiding. You are forced to deal with reality, about your self about others, about the world. The information overload of modern society makes it so easy to focus on the details and never see reality.

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