Anyone who cares about their health should watch the following video, made by a scientist at the University of California, San Francisco:
What you will learn includes:
What is fructose? Fructose is a sugar that comprises about 50% of table sugar (sucrose) and about 50% of high fructose corn syrup; it naturally occurs in cane sugar and in fruits; the fructose in high fructose corn syrup results from an enzymatic (chemical) conversion of glucose into fructose.
How about glucose? The other sugar in these sweeteners is glucose; glucose, which is available in many carbohydrates not containing fructose, is the energy of life – our bodies need it to live; glucose is readily used by just about any cell in our bodies and brains to create energy; in fact, our brains can only generate energy with glucose (as opposed to fat that other cells can use)
Fructose and metabolic syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is a term for the tendency for the following conditions to co-occur: obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and lipid dysfunction; fructose consumption, through mechanisms in the liver described in the video, leads directly to all aspects of metabolic syndrome.
Fructose is metabolized like ethanol (except in the brain): Fructose, with one major exception (ethanol crosses the blood / brain barrier and causes the well known acute effects of alcohol), is metabolized in almost an identical fashion to ethanol (alcohol) –over 80% of the alcohol consumed is metabolized in the liver, none is stored, the rest is left to wreak havoc inside the cell and ultimately be burned or converted to fat; alcohol is regulated because of its acute toxicity, not because of the chronic toxicity it shares with fructose;
Fructose is a poison, when consumed naked of the antidote: What do you call a substance that when ingested provides no benefits to our bodies, is metabolized entirely by our livers (our detoxifying organ), and results in systemic dysfunction that kills millions of us? Poison. Fructose is a poison, when processed. When fructose is present in nature, the antidote is present – the fiber in the fruit greatly outweighs the fructose and buffers its effects. When fructose is processed into sodas, sports drinks, fruit juices, cookies, breads etc… and stripped of the fiber of the fruit, then the poison becomes effective because the antidote has been removed.
What should you do about fructose? The most important part of any poison is the dosage; our bodies (primarily our livers) can handle poisons if the dosages are low enough; a 64 ounce Big Gulp provides a very large dosage when consumed every day; focus on reducing the dosage of this poison that permeates our world; drink 8 ounce servings of soda when you do, or stop drinking them; eat whole foods instead of processed foods, particularly the ones marketed as ‘low-fat’, that almost all contain added sugar or high fructose corn syrup; exercise regularly – among other benefits, it makes our body burn more fructose in the mitochondria instead of converting it to fat; you know what you need to do, and take the time to watch the video which will help you remember what you need to do.