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Mornings with Declan

Categories: Dave, General | Author: David O'Leary | Posted: 6/23/2007 | Views: 4310

Used to be, Declan would wake up around 5 or 6 AM every morning, I'd go get him, bring him to our bed and Jen would feed him and we'd all go back to sleep until 7:30 or so... Not sure whether it's because it's getting light so much earlier or that he's just older, but he's stopped going back to sleep now. And so the last couple mornings, Declan and I have been getting up early... and it's the best thing I've done in a long time.

Yesterday, we went for a bike ride around Forest Park, which I haven't done in a surprisingly long time. Today, we went hiking in the amazing Oak Savanna in Forest Park and then went to the Market in the Loop and stocked up on fresh fruit. Declan eats an amazing amount of fruit. We go through a cantalope, a pineapple, a big bag of grapes, and lots more every 4 days or so.

Walking through the savanna this morning reminded me of my mornings when I used to work at Miniwanca and how much I miss it. I just feel so much more connected and balanced when I'm there; spending all day every day outdoors, exercising constantly, interacting with and leading groups of open-minded folks who question everything, discussing philosophy and spirituality and the true meat of life. To be able to spend two months a year in that world was such a blessing. It grounded me and gave me a chance to see my life from another perspective and examine my path.

Since Jen and I started dating, I've wondered how I could have a family, and still have that. Having my own company makes it even harder, particularly at this point where bringing it to the next level requires intensity. And so, for now, I can't have the full experience. And so I have to take it in little chunks in our walks to lunch, playing at the playground, day hikes, biking around the park, swimming at the pool, and interacting with friends. It's a good life and I love it but it takes a lot more effort to get out into nature and slow my mind enough to take it in. My brain has always been a little slow to get moving in the morning and so, it seems these mornings in the park with Declan are perfect.


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