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New Niece

Categories: Dave | Author: David O'Leary | Posted: 12/28/2005 | Views: 3466
Brian and Christina (my brother and sister-in-law) were kind enough to bear a playmate for our soon to be little one... Jen and I have made sure to get in plenty of quality time with their adorable little one, Zoe... BCZ only live a mile away just north of us in U-City which should be awesome as we can tag team on babysitting and get the cousins together for play groups with minimal hassle.

Zoe had a bit of a bout of Pneumonia starting at the end of the 3rd week but after living in the hospital for a week and a half, she's settling in happily to her new home.

Brian created a nice little website for Zoe... we hope to add more to the site soon but it's a heck of a start...
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