Child Rearing Techniques
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We're having a baby!!!
Categories: Dave | Author:
David O'Leary
| Posted: 8/31/2005 | Views: 3452
Yup, that's right, the little 4.5 cm blob in this pic is a lovely combo of me and the misses genetic material. We're so excited! Just got the ultrasound done yesterday. We're about 10 weeks in at this point. Everything seems to be progressing perfectly so far... babies' heartbeat is 169/minute. Size is right on target. And Jen is finally not feeling nauseous all of the time. I'm so ready to be a dad!
In the pic, the head is the left oval... the babies hands are on its cheeks... can't see the legs in that pic.
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Contact Info
E-mail: dave at oledave.com
AIM: oledaveo
Home Phone: 314.863.4002
Home Address: 7104 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63130
Software- Developing Internet and Intranet software for through my company,
Efficion Consulting
Summers- Experiential Education with the
American Youth Foundation/Camp Miniwanca
Hobbies & Interests
Outdoors- Canoeing, Kayaking, Rafting, Hiking, Climbing, and Biking
Swing, Cajun, and Contra Dancing- Haven't been doing this much lately but have fun when I do
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