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News Coverage- arghhh!

Categories: Politics | Author: David O'Leary | Posted: 1/26/2004 | Views: 3130
I've listen to or watched at least 6 democratic debates, I've listed to a ton a media coverage on many cable stations as well as on radio. I've read the websites of many of the candidates. And I still don't feel like I know that much about any of them.
I've listen to or watched at least 6 democratic debates, I've listed to a ton a media coverage on many cable stations as well as on radio. I've read the websites of many of the candidates. And I still don't feel like I know that much about any of them. So called political analysis seems to focus on all the wrong things: who's going win, statistics, who went where and why, how is the media covering things, and random oddities (like Dean's I have a scream speech). They never talk about their differences on issues, the original ideas that have come out of the campaigns, the practicality of a candidates platform. The stuff that would actually help me decide on who I should vote for. Even the debates don't seem to answer my questions... perhaps there are too many candidates, perhaps the candidates are being too politically correct so they give the answer they're supposed to give rather than actually open the dialogue. I'm dying for some true debate in this country. The democrats don't have all the answers nor do the republicans. Congress is an absolute mess with more and more convulated laws resulting every year. Our political system seems broken to me.... and our economic system no longer makes sense, but more on that later.
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